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Its time to Spring Clean your Social Media!


Heres how:

Check your bio and make sure it’s up to date and relevant.

Update your graphics

When was the last time you changed your cover photo, background graphics or profile photo?

By updating the graphics on your social media accounts, you are breathing new life into the platform. Users get tired of seeing the same boring graphics repeatedly; attract them to your account with something eye catching.

Check who you are following - is there anyone you’ve never engaged with, who hasn’t posts in ages? If so, unfollow them. There is a stigma about unfollowing people, but not all accounts are right for you.

Remove bot followers and spam accounts

Review previous posts and see which ones performed best. Plan your content based on these posts.

Time for a New ‘Description.What was the last time you reviewed the “About Us” section on your social media?Chances are, the description is still the same as the day you signed up for the account. Has the material needed to be included changed?

Now is a good time for double-checking, and if necessary, correcting.

Ensure your social profiles list the company’s most current details, including the website, staff, recent ventures, press, and awards. Should not be afraid to announce them by linking to any press releases, books etc.

Let us know if you’re planning to clean out your account!

If you have any questions or would like to know more, drop an email to

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